Oh So Heavenly Beautiful Curls

So a few months into 2018, Oh So Heavenly contacted me regarding helping them develop a new product for natural hair. They sent me several samples and I tested them out and gave them feedback on what I liked and what I didn’t like. In return they sent me free samples of the finished product. 

As many of you know, I wear my hair natural most of the time. So I’m always on the hunt for good natural hair care products. This new range from Oh So Heavenly definitely does not disappoint. I’m especially obsessed with the leave in balm. 

About The Product:

The range contains Shea Butter and Amla Extact which helps nourish dry curly hair. It also contains Coconut Oil. 

The shampoo removes build up and hydrates your curls, leaving it soft and defined with a healthy shine.

The conditioner Hydrates and enhances shine for soft, quenched and defined curls.

The Leave-in Balm helps protect the hair against frizz and contains Amla and Flower extracts.

My experience:

The consistency of the product is quite thick and not as watery as other shampoos, it kind of feels like I’m applying moisturiser to my hair. I’m really happy that this range includes a leave-in balm, as I am always using my conditioner as a leave-in conditioner and hoping for the best results.

I’ve found that my hair is a lot softer and more manageable since I’ve started using this product. The leave-in balm has really helped reduce frizz and keep my curls looking defined as hell. 

All in all, I think it’s a great range and it’s extremely affordable. You can get your hands on it at any Clicks nationwide.

Until next time,


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